Wednesday, December 19, 2012

25 Puppy Things of Christmas- #14, 15, 16, 17

We are in the second half of the countdown to the 25 Puppy Things of Christmas and today's items are different. So keep an open mind today...

14. Pet Photos (Price Varies)

This is a picture of us with Maverick that was taken by a photographer. Find local photographers in your area to have them take some pictures of you pet as well as some family photos.

15. Adopt a Brother/Sister for your pet (Price Varies)

Pet Helpers is a local shelter on James Island here in Charleston, SC. They have the friendliest volunteers that really want to make sure you find the right pet for you.

16. Subscription to Lowcountry Dog Magazine ($25 per year)

Lowcountry Dog Magazine is a great way to find out the events that are going on the Lowcountry of South Carolina. There are ads to help you find a vet, boarding, grooming or even photographer. Plus there are heartwarming stories from pets in the Lowcountry.

17. Lowcountry Dog Magazine T-Shirt ($30)

The great thing about this shirt is that $5 from each shirt sold will go to a rescue or shelter of your choice. So you can get a cute t-shirt and help the animals. It is a win-win situation!


  1. this is so fun! who did your pictures?

  2. A friend of MJ's. I can see if she still takes pictures. This was a favor for MJ.
